The Word Bros: A comics interview podcast
The Word Bros
The Word Bros: Episode 161 Steve Urena

The Word Bros: Episode 161 Steve Urena

Look for a book about Killer Sloths??! Steve Urena is your guy

Steve Urena is the most positive dude in comics. Don’t believe me? Just listen to the pod! He has a footloose and fancy-free attitude that is contagious! The dude is here having a good time and making the comics he wants to make. Doesn’t that sound lovely? Steve is back on Kickstarter with his new book Slow Pokes 2: The Sloth Horror Sequel of the Summer!

Thanks for listening!

The Word Bros: A comics interview podcast
The Word Bros
Kevin Cuffe and Bob Frantz write comics together. This is their podcast where they talk shop with the industries rising starts and big stars.